Petrilla Family Tree

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Page edited 25-October-2024. ET

The family of Johan Petrilla and Juliana Alice Minarcik had ten children: seven boys - Frank Michael, Andrew Michael, Joseph George, Stephen J., Peter Paul, John Joseph and Michael Paul, and three girls - Mary E., Helen Margaret and Katherine.

  1. Mary E. Petrilla and spouse Andrew John Zigmont
    • Margaret Elizabeth Zigmont and spouse Lawrence Louis Maggiano
    • Andrew John Zigmont Jr. and spouse Sarah Young
    • John Francis Zigmont and spouse Nellie Patricia Jones
    • Edward Bernard Zigmont and spouse Patricia Keffalos
    • Donald L. Zigmont and spouse Eileen M. Kilroy
    • Marie Zigmont and spouse Grodesky
    • Delores Zigmont and spouse Thomas Richard Hernon
    • Marylee Zignmont
  2. Frank Michael Petrilla and spouse Evelyn Ann Kaufman
    • Robert Petrilla
    • Jimmie Petrilla
    • Beverly Petrilla
  3. Andrew Michael Petrilla and spouse Mary Martha Timko
  4. Joseph George Petrilla and spouse Joanna Jeanette Lahendro
    • Kenneth J. Petrilla and spouse Sarah
    • Margaret R. Petrilla and spouse Richard Mantia
  5. Helen Margaret Petrilla and spouse Peter Edward Slomcheck
    • William John Slomcheck and spouse Janice F. Seljan (The couple had no children)
    • Albert M. Slomcheck and spouse Rosalie Baker
  6. Stephen J. Petrilla and spouse Anna Burko
    • John Steve Petrilla
    • Edward M. Petrilla
    • Richard A. Petrilla
    • George R. Petrilla
    • Louise Petrilla
  7. Peter Paul Petrilla (Never married and had no children)
  8. John Joseph Petrilla and spouse Mary Elizabeth Renn
    1. Thomas Paul Petrilla and spouse Linda
    2. Katherine A. Petrilla and spouse Edward John Politsky
    3. Lawrence M. Petrilla and spouse Wendy
  9. Katherine Petrilla (Never married and had no children)
  10. Michael Paul Petrilla (Never married and had no children)