His Broken Arm
Page edited 8-Feb -22. ET
Source: Paul Albert Petrilla
Edward John Timko was very close to his oldest nephew Paul Albert Petrilla and they had been known to enjoy a lot of cold “brews” together. Once when Paul, who was serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, was home on leave from the Norfolk where he was stationed, he and my father went out for a few beers and cheeseburgers at Duffy’s Tavern on W. Market Street in Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio. Duffy’s Tavern was only a couple of blocks from where my parents were living with her mother's parents on McMyler, and a couple of blocks from where Paul Petrilla and his wife Ann lived on Oak Street on Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio.
They had a great time, a lot of beer and a few of those fabulous “world famous” cheeseburgers. About 2 AM, Paul took Edward hoe and headed back to his house because his plane was scheduled to leave at 7 AM to go back to Norfolk, Virginia. Paul, with on a few hours sleep, slept all way back to base . Unfortunately, what Paul didn’t realize was that after he dropped off his uncle, Ed tried climbing the narrow stairway to go to his bedroom. While not familiar with specifics of what happened, Ed must have misstepped because he ended up falling down the stairs, breaking his wrist.
When Paul heard the news, he was horrified. He dreaded the thought of facing Ed's wife Jeannette the next time he was home on leave. However, as it turned out, the next time he saw Jeannette, she never mentioned the incident and neither did Paul. Sometimes the less said, the better.